24Hr Remote Hands
A crucial question to ask when choosing colocation or dedicated servers is, “What happens when I call in for remote hands support?” Many lower cost colo providers who are located in large datacenters will allow you to call the datacenter for support after hours; however, this is not the same thing as getting after hours support direct from the company you are in contract with. There are many things the datacenter can’t help you with that only the company you have a signed contact with can address. These items include your IP blocks, checking the status of your Internet port and adding personnel to your access list, just to name a few. Also, the datacenter will not address any support issue concerning your Internet port unless you are directly connected to a switch that they own and operate. You simply can’t afford this downtime. This is why it is vital to have 24Hr Remote Hands on call support direct from the company you signed a contract with.
We give you direct 24/7 on call remote hands support. We include things such as reboots, swapping out hot swappable hard drives, etc.... This includes things that can be done quickly over the phone. This also includes anything concerning your Internet port. It is not an answering service, it is our staff. If you call and the technician misses the call, it goes to voice mail and technicians are automatically paged. It is their job to return the call immediately to help you over the phone. Most of our plans include a certain amount of this support free of charge.
We also have a priority support ticketing system which escalates the issue so that if it’s not acknowledged within 5 minutes, it is escalated to another tier of on-call support, and then to management 10 minutes later. We’ve never had an issue with a customer not being able to get in touch with us around the clock and get an immediate phone call back.
We give you direct 24/7 on call remote hands support. We include things such as reboots, swapping out hot swappable hard drives, etc.... This includes things that can be done quickly over the phone. This also includes anything concerning your Internet port. It is not an answering service, it is our staff. If you call and the technician misses the call, it goes to voice mail and technicians are automatically paged. It is their job to return the call immediately to help you over the phone. Most of our plans include a certain amount of this support free of charge.
We also have a priority support ticketing system which escalates the issue so that if it’s not acknowledged within 5 minutes, it is escalated to another tier of on-call support, and then to management 10 minutes later. We’ve never had an issue with a customer not being able to get in touch with us around the clock and get an immediate phone call back.